Thirty days of insight, explanations, nostalgia and excerpts from my writing life.
I came across a thing on Twitter the other day that looked too fun to pass up: The Thirty Day Writing Challenge (#TDWC). It asked 30 questions about your writing, and you were supposed to answer 1 question for each day of the month.
Here are my answers for the questions Day 4-7!
#4 A book you can’t live without.
Well, if we go by the very few books I’ve re-read in my life, it would have to be the Alien Chronicles series by Deborah Chester. I’ve read the entire trilogy twice, and they are the only books I’ve ever re-read in their entirety in my life. So I think that counts!
#5 Your protagonist is somehow transported to this world, meets you, and learns that you are responsible for creating his/her world. What is the first thing he/she would say or do after learning this fact?
Oh no. No no no. Firstly, if Vince was ever transported to this world, I would run and hide. I couldn’t face him. I just couldn’t. I’d feel too terrible to even risk hearing what he’d have to say. He’d be devastated, and angry, and he’d have every right to be! And I’d just feel so awful! O_o Pavel, on the other hand, I could deal with. He’d be more confused than anything else, I think, and want me to explain WHY THE HELL I felt it necessary to put them through what they’d been through … This question makes me feel terrible. Let’s move on!
#6 You are somehow transported into the world of your story. Name the biggest challenge you would face having to transition from living in the real world to your story world, and be as detailed as you like.
Well, this depends on whether I landed in Una Duo or Una Primus! I think I’d rather land in Una Duo, as they are closer to the real world I live in today, minus the cell phones and computers, which I could live without. Una Primus has a few too many restrictions for me to be comfortable with, although I guess eventually I’d get used to it. It’d be nice to not have to cook, though, lol. And not have to worry about a paycheck! Of course, I’m not sure those benefits are worth being subjected to such strict laws, sooooo. I’d hope for Una Duo and in this case, stick with Vince to have access to his extra resources. Maybe. On second thought, hanging with him doesn’t usually turn out well … crap.
#7 Your favorite character out of all the characters you’ve ever written.
OUCH. This one’s REALLY hard.
I’ll go with gut reaction answer here, because that probably means it’s accurate. And the truth is, it’s a tie.
There is Ix, a character I originally created for a Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic fanfiction, and she has since grown into the star of an original sci-fi erotica series I’ve been writing on and off for awhile now and eventually plan to self-publish. She’s fun but deadly, exotic, rules her own world and doesn’t take any shit. If I ever feel like beating someone up, I let Ix do it for me. 😉
And then of course there is Vince. You’re probably tired of hearing about him by now, but I’ve been writing his story since June of 2013 (currently editing it), so obviously he and Pavel are on the forefront of my mind lately. Well, for years now. But anyway. I really like writing Vince (sorry Pavel). He’s also a take-charge personality, but what’s fun about him is to show how that action-based problem-solving isn’t always the best solution. He’s also a lover at heart, so it’s fun to balance to the two sides of his personality and watch how he reacts to each different situation.
I realize now as I’m writing this my favorite thing about these two characters is their complexity. Even Ix has a lot of layers now. Over the years I’ve gotten a lot better at deepening my characters, and I think this is coming through the most in both Ix and Vince. Hopefully I can keep this up!
That is all for today! If you are a writer or reader, feel free to comment with your own answers!
And stay tuned for more throughout this month!
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Re question #7 Vince is a favorite of mine, and I just made acquaintance with Ix. I like her, too! You are right, it is a difficult choice!