Someone once said that to be a successful and productive writer, one had to do the equivalent of “cutting bait, fishing, and reeling ‘em in, all at the same time”! This translates to writing as working on projects-in-progress while at the same time submitting completed projects to potential markets and also continuing to cultivate new ideas for future projects. In case you missed my previous post on this subject, at the end of every month I compile a list of what I accomplished as far as completed projects, in-progress projects, and future projects!
The holidays really wreck havoc with this keeping track of things effort…. O_o
Oh wait, you just noticed I never put up a Project List for December?? You are CORRECT! That’s because I didn’t really have any goals for December. I allowed myself to take a month “off” after NaNo. Funny enough, this actually only made me irritable and cranky, as I felt I was being lazy. Huh. I guess NaNoWriMo is also good for developing that work ethic! 😉
Short Stories
# Completed: 0
# In-progress: 2 (“The Pit”, and “The First Crosswalker”, still just sitting there…)
# Submissions: 1 (“Gray” to Writer’s Digest Short Short Story Competition)
# Acceptances: 0
# Rejections: 0
# Pending Submissions: 0
# Completed: 1 (“Foreshocks”)
# Submissions: 0
# Acceptances: 0
# Rejections: 1 (from Bone Bouquet – they actually seemed genuinely regretful, lol)
# Pending Submissions: 1 (to Hunger Mountain from Sept.)
Words Written: 6,314 on “The Good Thing”
Outline(s) Written: Chapter 18 of “The Good Thing”
# Own Projects edited: 1 (“Gray”, before submission)
# Others’ Projects edited: 2 for one person
# Workshops Attended: 0
# Tutorials Watched: 0
# Books Read: 4 in-progress (“S” by J.J. Abrams and Doug Dorst; A Storm of Swords – book 3 of the Song of Ice and Fire series – by George R. R. Martin; Plot and Structure by James Scott Bell; The Art of War for Writers by James Scott Bell)
Related articles
- Bait, Fish, and Reel Report for November 2013 (
- Bait, Fish, and Reel Report for October 2013 (
It is getting there isn’t. new year is here.
Wish you a happy new year filled with lots of love laughter and smile. may the ideas come flowing.