Someone once said that to be a successful and productive writer, one had to do the equivalent of “cutting bait, fishing, and reeling ‘em in, all at the same time”! This translates to writing as working on projects-in-progress while at the same time submitting completed projects to potential markets and also continuing to cultivate new ideas for future projects. In case you missed my previous post on this subject, at the end of every month I compile a list of what I accomplished as far as completed projects, in-progress projects, and future projects!
AGH I have been SO BEHIND on these things! So behind I didn’t even take the time to make a 2 YEAR anniversary post! Yes, that’s right! I’ve been buckled down to this writing thing seriously for over two entire years now (as of October 2014)! WOW!
So, in an effort to not fall even further behind for 2015, I’m doing this thing. Right now!
Bait, Fish, and Reel Report for January 2015
Short Stories
# Completed: 0
# In-progress: 0
# Submissions: 2 (Gray to Strange Horizons and In Compensation to the Writer’s Digest Short Short Story Contest.)
# Acceptances: 0
# Rejections: 1 (for Gray from Strange Horizons)
# Pending Submissions: 0
# Completed: 0
# Submissions: 0
# Acceptances: 0
# Rejections: 0
# Pending Submissions: 0
(ouch. I need to get back on that poetry!)
Outline(s) Written: NONE … too busy celebrating!
# Own Projects edited: 1 (In Compensation before submission)
# Others’ Projects edited: 0
# Workshops Attended: 0
# Tutorials Watched: 0
Bait, Fish, and Reel Report for February 2015
Short Stories
# Completed: 1 (A.N.G.E.L.s, my entry for The Writer’s Arena Battle Thread … this has it’s own post!)
# In-progress: 0
# Submissions: 1 (Gray to Intergalactic Medicine Show)
# Acceptances: 0
# Rejections: 1 (for In Compensation from Writer’s Digest Short Short Story Competition … okay not technically a “rejection”, but it didn’t win, so close enough.)
# Pending Submissions: 0
# Completed: 0
# Submissions: 0
# Acceptances: 0
# Rejections: 0
# Pending Submissions: 0
(seriously … need to write some poems!)
Words Written: 8600 for the novella
Outline(s) Written: A bit more outlining for the rest of that novella.
# Own Projects edited: 0
# Others’ Projects edited: 0
# Workshops Attended: 1 (Before You Hit Send with Angela James of Carina Press – very educational!)
# Tutorials Watched: 0 (but I have two sitting in my inbox that need to be watched ASAP!)
I see a lot of zeroes in this report. Better git ‘er done!
…. thanks for pointing that out! 😉 I’ll work on it!
Your January accomplishment should count for the entire year! That is marvelous!
That’s quite the ambitious project you have going here. Good luck! 🙂
Thanks very much for the well wishes! People like you, who whip out a novel and have it published in less than a year, are why I have to stick to such ambitious project lists! 😉