Someone once said that to be a successful and productive writer, one had to do the equivalent of “cutting bait, fishing, and reeling ‘em in, all at the same time”! This translates to writing as working on projects-in-progress while at the same time submitting completed projects to potential markets and also continuing to cultivate new ideas for future projects. In case you missed my previous post on this subject, at the end of every month I compile a list of what I accomplished as far as completed projects, in-progress projects, and future projects!
Short Stories
# Completed: 1 (“The Hound of God”)
# In-progress: 0 (I’m going to stop counting those other two stories when I have no intention of finishing them any time soon. :P)
# Submissions: 1 (“The Hound of God” to the NYC Midnight Short Story Challenge – MADE IT TO ROUND 2 AAAHHHHH!!!!!)
# Acceptances: 1 (“The Last Crossing” – it’s not really a true “acceptance” per se, but the story WAS “accepted” as good enough to get me into the second round of the competition, so I kind of feel like that counts, even though I get no prizes/publications out of it. It DOES get me one step CLOSER to a publication package/prizes ….)
# Rejections: 1 (“Grey” by Writer’s Digest Short Story Competition)
# Pending Submissions: 0
# Completed: 2 (“Spring” and “Almost” – two original haikus)
# Submissions: 0
# Acceptances: 0
# Rejections: 0
# Pending Submissions: 1 (to Hunger Mountain from Sept. – still no response, queried 4.1.14)
Words Written: ~900
Outline(s) Written: Created rough sketch outline of the role of an important secondary character for the late Act 2 and Act 3 of the novel – this development came to me rather late in the game, but I love it! Also, RECEIVED THE HARDCOVER COPY FROM LULU.COM and it is BEAUTIFUL! 😀 Will share pics soon!
# Own Projects edited: 1 (“The Hound of God”)
# Others’ Projects edited: 2, one each for two people
# Workshops Attended: 0
# Tutorials Watched: 0
# Books Read: 4 in-progress (“S” by J.J. Abrams and Doug Dorst; A Storm of Swords – book 3 of the Song of Ice and Fire series – by George R. R. Martin; Plot and Structure by James Scott Bell; The Art of War for Writers by James Scott Bell)
Really liking the new blog layout BTW, very swish, very professional. Nice job.
Oh good! Yes, I kind of forgot to mention the new layout, though I suppose it was obvious, wasn’t it? Heh. Took a really, really long time this time around to find one I was happy with. I still really liked my previous one, but I missed having the sidebar, and didn’t like the wrap-around text in posts. This one is much better in that regard, and still large and open and clean. 🙂 Glad you like!