Well, here it is. My progress report for the month of May 2015. I can’t believe this year is basically half over already. Ridiculous!
Since my previous way of listing everything out was cumbersome and slow (not to mention full of zeroes, which ended up being depressing and not particularly an accurate representation of what I’d been doing), I’ve now decided to do a much more informal type of recap. The Wordwraiths (my writing group) post our accomplishments and goals each month internally, so I thought I’d just copy the format there, rather than reinvent the wheel.
Without further ado, here are my writerly escapades for the month of May:
- Edited first chapter of Primus. Stopped editing Primus.
- Recruited artist for Hound of God illustrations.
- Booked cover designer for Hound of God and received/approved cover concept proof.
- Wrote and submitted 300 word flash fiction for QSF contest.
- Submitted “Gray” to A Murder of Storyteller’s Broken Worlds anthology.
- Attended ConQuest 46 and wrote another short “The Case of Moonvalley Manor” (for the Story in a Bag challenge). (782 words)
- Read first two chapters of a fellow Wordwraith’s novel and made content notes (which I need to send him!).
- Began researching and reading up on how to properly self-publish, self-market, and manage Amazon author page and sales.
- Wrote entire outline for full plot of Hound of God. (1848 words)
- Edited and fleshed out Chapter 1 of Hound of God. (~1800 words)
- Began writing Chapter 2 of Hound of God. (~1000 words)
And there you have it. So bring it on, June!
A busy and productive month of May!