September was a rather productive month, actually, which amuses me because I did not set very many goals for the month, and subsequently accomplished a heckuvalot more than I expected!
Here is a report of what I accomplished in the month of September 2015:
– 30.5 hours editing Primus (only up to chapter 8, ugh)
– Edited two of author friend’s fantasy novel chapters
– Compiled and organized handout for Wordwraiths‘ NaNoWriMo workshop and participated in workshop
– Wrote my first children’s story, “Breakfast Time on the Farm”, for an upcoming contest after my son told me I should write a book about what cows, pigs, and sheep eat (because he didn’t know)
– Outlined my upcoming Boot Camp Workbook book
– Wrote 670 words for Introduction to Boot Camp Workbook book
– Moved website to self-hosted and transferred .com blog over to the .org blog, then migrated all subscribers over to new site
– Listened to some podcasts on writing faster (oh whaddayaknow, the secret to writing faster is planning beforehand) and two webinars, one on Kindle publishing and one on author websites
– Scheduled all Wordwraith tweets for the month
– Made publication plan for rest of 2015
– Set up my author page on Amazon
– Wrote a Sherlock fanfiction (I HAD to … it wouldn’t leave me alone!) 🙂
– Wrote two episode reviews for Doctor Who Watch
– Read 8 chapters of Chaos Station (holy crap I read a book!)
– Participated in #SeptWritingChallenge on Twitter
Busy, busy! Yowza!
I had hoped to have both editing projects finished up in September, but that just didn’t happen. It’s amazing how long editing takes. And for some reason it seems to just take longer editing my own projects than it does when I edit other people’s.
Anyway, October will be just as busy, and just as full of editing, editing, editing as September! One of these days maybe I’ll get to think about my NaNoWriMo project!
How was your September? Will you be participating in NaNo? What are you doing to prepare? Let me know!
Impressive list for September, JR!
Busy, busy, busy 🙂
Indeed! But still not quite as busy as you, methinks …
Eh….we each have our schedules and levels of busy in and around everything else. 🙂
Well thanks! 🙂