Dear Diary,
Well, it’s been seven whole days since the end of Camp.
One whole week! Wow.
I haven’t written in a while because well, I was busy trying to make my 20,000 word word count before the end of July so I could finally “win” a NaNoWriMo Camp!
And … I DID IT! I made it!!!!
Can you believe it!?!? It was a close call this year, just like it usually is in November, with me sitting down and literally hand-writing the last 600 words during lunch hour on July 31st! But the important thing is that I did it, and it was due in very large part to the awesome people I had doing it right along side me! My cabin-mates worked hard this year, with almost all of us meeting our set goal. And even the few who didn’t meet their goal made a whole lotta progress on their projects!!
I’d call it a win-win all around!
And, just like per usual after completing a NaNo, the habit of writing every day is once again stuck in my brain. AND, even better, a particular block that was really hindering me has been by-passed! Once again, while lying half-awake with the child before his bedtime, the solution presented itself like a jolt of lightning to the brain! All I needed to do was simply swap out which character does what for one particular story element, and BAM, everything flows just wonderfully! Block disappears! I machete-d my way out of that plot forest once again!
So for now, I continue to motor on. Although I do have to take a bit of a side-track for the rest of August, as I PROMISED the poor tortured readers of my LOTR fanfiction (The Wall that Fell) I’d finally give them an ending … 11 years after the thing was begun. :/
Yes. Really must end that thing! That’s just cruel, you know??
Till later, my little diary friend….
<3 JRF
Great work JRF!! You ‘totally rocked NaNo’, as I believe one would say on your side of the pond 🙂 I love the fact that you’ve hammered out that plot-blocker as well. It really is quite extraordinary how NaNo gets into your brain.
Well CONGRATS to you as well, JFC, you “totally rocked NaNo” too, you know!!!! I’ve told you several times how excited I was to see you hammer away at your draft like that, so, KEEP IT UP! 😀 Way to go, us! lol. And thanks!
Yes, NaNo is actually the best thing I think for establishing that writing habit. You get so used to having to write every day, that after it’s over, you still feel that urge to get something down! Which is wonderful! (Albeit can sometimes be aggravating, hah)
So very hopeful to hear you are returning to TWTF. I can not wait to see how it ends.
Well thanks DeDe!!! So good to hear from you! I am also actually quite enjoying getting back to poor Legolas. He has been waiting patiently to tell the rest of his story and now that I’m giving him that chance, he’s just spilling it all. The writing is coming along MUCH more easily than I had expected! I still hope to have the final chapter posted by the end of August! 🙂 Thanks again for stopping by, reading, and for your comment!