This post took me longer than usual to write because… honestly I couldn’t seem to wrap my head around what I accomplished in February.
Lately, it just kind of feels like my brain has fallen right out of my head.
But alas. I can wait no longer to make this post. February and March are already running together. 😛 So here we are. I shall try my best to make this make some semblance of sense.
But no promises. It might be rambling and nonsensical…
Covid. Obviously. Still making every day challenging. (Mostly mentally and emotionally.) Hrm. That should be it’s new slogan.
In any event, I’m still employing the Freedom app from 6am to 9am and it’s still mostly working. For a few weeks there I became super irritated it was still taking me hours to hit 1000 words total wordcount… but that technically happened in March, so I digress.
For February, that routine and process pretty much worked out just fine. Better than any other strategy I’ve tried to date during the pandemic, anyway.
I wrote 17,781 words on book 3, Bones in Blackbird, during February. This is still perfectly on track with my original 2021 publishing schedule, which aimed to release book 3 in May.
This is also quite shocking as I received the final audio files of book 2 back from my narrator Roger Clark in early February. Of course at that point I literally dropped everything to listen to them.
And OMG people… he did even better on book 2 than he did on book 1 somehow! I absolutely LOVED his work, and listened to all 12.5 hours over the course of 3 days. There were a few pick-ups to be done, so I sent those on and he turned them around quite quickly, but then we had to wait 3 whole weeks for the sound engineer to finish mastering the edited files. 😛
But all of that meant I basically lost out on a week’s worth of writing time. So I really had to push it the last week of February to hit that 17,000 words mark. But I managed it, somehow! Whew!
I also submitted Bargain at Bravebank to the Next Generation Indie Book Awards and a cover contest hosted on Instagram, so cross your fingers!
YES!!! So, it took MUCH longer than either Roger or I anticipated due to covid (lots of noisy kids at home for him), needing to tone down my sexy times scene (long story), and the sound engineer being backed up a little. But at long last, IT’S HERE!!
Bastard of Blessing, book 2 of The Legacy of Lucky Logan series, is now available on audio! <3 And as I mentioned, it’s FANTASTIC!!
It’s not available on Audible yet (they’ll take months), but it is currently available on many other retailers. You can also buy direct from me for a discount HERE! Enjoy!
Well, I have several shorts in the works, but none finished yet.
Among the things currently in-progress are:
- A steamy short revolving around Morgan Grace
- A short revolving around Van and his mule Joe which takes place between books 2 and 3.
… I guess that’s really all for now. 😛 The others are all still just in my head.
Future Planning
By the end of February I was beginning to think that trying to publish 2 novels this year was probably not the best idea for my sanity. The last week of February, when I was making the final push to try and hit my wordcount to stay on track for that plan, I got VERY cranky.
Because I was having to focus so much on getting that wordcount that I wasn’t able to really enjoy doing anything else that week.
So I took a step back and re-evaluated my priorities for the upcoming spring and fall.
But what I decided is really best left for the March wrap-up… so until next time…
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