… from fanfiction, lol. I finished Oligo FINALLY, woot woot! Meaning the ONLY fanfic I have left to really work on at all right now is The Wall That Fell. Since the idea of finishing that story like I had originally planned makes me want to throw up – due to the fact it would take another five years, probably – I have been agonizing over how to still finish it without compromising novel time. Last night, while trying to go to sleep, a fabulous idea came to me: I'll tell the remaining events in a FLASHBACK! Yes, it's brilliant, I know. Well, it's pretty much a cop-out, but at least it will give the poor readers closure, they'll still get to know everything that was supposed to happen, and I won't have to be working on it for the rest of my life. WHEE! So with that out of the way, I did as mentioned in my last post and opened up Cheetah on the Roof again. And, though it pains me to say, it's better even in rough draft form than Guardian Angel. *cringe* That doesn't really surprise me I guess… I had a lot better of an idea of what CotR was going to be when I started on it than GA. I had to stumble around a lot more in GA to figure out where the hell I was going with it, so obviously it's going to be more clumsy at first. But… now I'm leaning toward sending CotR out first, again. Truthfully, in today's market I think it would fare alot better than GA, just because fantasy seems to do better in general, especially lately. And if I have a better idea of what it is and where it's going, I should be able to crank it out faster, and in better shape, which means it will be easier to edit. Plus I just filled in a major hole in it's plot yesterday, so now I'm super excited to really get to work on it again. Eh. 😛 I'm never going to get anything finished unless I make up my mind on what to write first!! As of now, it will be Cheetah. I'm sure I'll still jot down stuff on GA now and then, though, as well as my other background ideas, because otherwise my head would explode. I'll try to still keep track of word count and idea origins on everything, since that's interesting to me to always remember and see how it all changes, as I've said before. And hopefully I can update this more regularly now that I am "mostly retired" from fanfiction, hee hee. Happy writing!
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