*trying not to panic*breathe…breathe*
Write 30,ooo words for Camp NaNo (you will notice I dropped it another 10k words – that is because I am both drastically behind at this moment and because there are actually other items that need to be accomplished this month as well… see below!)(Hrm… haven’t hit 5000 words yet… think I’m in trouble! 😛 4.24.13) (Well, I wrote 5750 words total… meh. 4.30.13)Submit short story to Writer’s Digest Annual Writing Competition, Early-Bird Deadline of May 6th.(This really should have been under May… but regardless, this did not happen! Still going to try to submit something before their For-Procrastinators-and-People-with-too-much-to-do Deadline. Heheh. 5.1.13)Submit short story and/or poetry to Yeah Write! Literary Magazine: deadline April 3oth!(Short story “Colorless” has been nominated for this one – finished and sent to betas 4.10.13) (Okay this one needs too much tweaking and I don’t want to rush it, so, now it will be poems for Yeah Write! or nothing! 4.24.13) (Submitted poems “Tell the World”, “Gloomy”, and “The Girl” on 4.26.13! Rejected 5.7.13!)Proof two, wait make that three, waiting documents(One down! 4.10.13) (Two down! 4.20.13) (Three down and done! 4.26.13)Finally finish proofing first chapter of Mark’s novel, which should have been done last month!(Three more pages!! 4.24.2013) (Done! Whoohoo! 5.1.13 … yeah so what, one day late! :P)
Well, in any event, I invite you to take a look back at my March 2013 Project List… I will definitely be doing so often this month, to remind myself – DON’T PANIC! One step at a time, right!?
Geez you are so motivated! Looks like two months of a LOT of writing. Good for you!
Heh thanks. Funny you should say that about motivation… yesterday I was so UNmotivated! I may have piled on too much in too short a time, but at the same time if I take a break I feel like I am wasting time! Even so, I might take a month off in May! After all, don’t want to burn out!