It’s a New Year and if you saw my last post, you know I have a lot I want to accomplish!
So to begin, here are the January goals:
Complete rough draft of Primus (formerly The Good Thing).(I DID IT!!!!! Wrote THE END on the rough draft on 1.26.15!! First original work I’ve finished in 17 years! HOORAY!)Submit flash fiction “Gray” to next market.(sent to Strange Horizons 1.13.15)(BONUS! Flash fiction “In Compensation” sent to the Writer’s Digest Short Short Story Competition 1.14.15!)Upload second chapter of Primus to my Patreon account.(If you would like private, exclusive sneak peeks of in-progress or as-of-yet unpublished stuff, you can pledge a few bucks to support my writing career and read it all over on Patreon!) (Uploaded 1.15.15! If interested, you can become a patron and read it here!)Write every Monday through Thursday from 5am to 7am. Write every Sunday to Wednesday from 5am to 7am… waking up early on Thursday and then staying up late with the hubby to watch shows that night was not working so well … (Only missed two days of waking up at 5am. I LOVE IT. No better way to feel productive!)
Wish me luck!
Glad to hear your morning writing sessions are happening! 🙂