Remember when I said October was going to be just as busy as September?
For some reason I thought it would be a great idea to self-publish two books this month. Silly me.
But hey, I also once opened a dog grooming business and barely knew how to groom a dog.
And ya know what? I had five clients my very first week. And all five clients ended up being very satisfied and happy clients.
So what the hell. I can do this. Sure.
This month, my writing goals are to:
Buy cover art for short story “In Death, Everything”
Format “In Death, Everything” for ebook publication
Publish short story “In Death Everything” on Amazon
Publish Boot Camp Workbook
Finish editing author friend’s first 10 chapters
Continue editing Primus
Decide on NaNoWriMo project
Hopefully have time to do a bit of outlining on NaNo project
Clean up home desk space
Edit fellow WW’s anthology story if at all possible
Schedule Wordwraith tweets for the month
And that is all.
What are some of your October goals? How do you go about tackling large, involved projects? Let me know in the comments!
*wanders off glassy-eyed*
Cleaning up your home desk space is going to either be first on your list (as you think about all the stuff you need to do) or the last (because cleaning is always the first thing to fall by the wayside when I get stuck into a project!).
Either way, good luck!
Hah! Cleaning has fallen by the wayside for YEARS at my house, lol. Basically, ever since I decided that I should probably actually write if I ever wanted to be an author. Oh well. I haven’t cleaned my desk since last October, so it has a nice layer of dust and cat hair gathered, and frankly, it’s gross. 🙁 I always feel better when I work in a clean and organized environment, so pre-NaNo is usually when I try to take the time to at LEAST tidy my writing space! 😉 I’ll let you know how it goes!
A very ambitious list you have there! I have no doubt you can do it!
Thanks for the vote of confidence! I’m hoping! 😀