Yes, today, I am being “lazy”. Lazy in that I don’t want this particular post to take up too much time, because I’ve only made my 1000 word/day goal about two days out of fifteen this month, and I plan on making it today! So.
I happened to be tagged on Facebook by another author friend (Lisa Kumar, go check her out!) to post two paragraphs from page 7 of my current WIP yesterday, therefore, I’ve decided those two paragraphs will also be the stars of today’s WPW! 🙂
So, without further ado, I present two paragraphs from page 7 of my still in-progress NaNo Novel, working title: “The Good Thing”! Enjoy!
They moved slowly and methodically through the masses of choosers and around… each dais, bypassing those who had already been selected and stopping to at least glance at the lists of information for those still available. There were men and women of all types, and Pavel found it difficult to prioritize criteria. He and Amy had spent so much time dreading the trip out here they’d forgotten to do much thinking on what attributes they’d actually like in their child.
It wasn’t so bad, though, with the progenitors trapped behind their glassifilm and mostly looking bored, hardly paying any attention to the hundreds of eyes that stared at them from the other side, the pointing fingers and waving arms. Not at all how he had imagined them, not at all the violent, unthinking animals full of rage and jealousy he so often saw portrayed on the evening news.
Lol, thanks! Intriguing enough to keep reading?? 😉
Absolutely. Anything to keep from getting on with the novel… 😀
AAGGGHHH. Right but wrong answer!!!
Okay, I think you need some intervention on that noveling bit. 😉 If you’d like to talk more about it – no wait, scratch that, you don’t get a choice in the matter!!! – look up my email address under my Connect tab and WRITE ME, your Official Kicker in the Pantser, and tell me about your novel. What do you love about it, what do you hate about it? What is the biggest obstacle in your way to having a completed, polished final draft? Don’t be shy, spill!!! I like to help people get unstuck on their writing projects, and I’m sure all you need is someone to talk things out with! So GO!!! NOW. DO IT!!! …..